Physics Feed - Page 8

How Quantum Theory Relates to Consciousness

How Quantum Theory Relates to Consciousness

Experimental physicist Rob Sheldon explains the background to Hameroff and Penrose’s contested quantum consciousness theory, which is beginning to be tested

Scientists Create World's First One-Dimensional Gas

Scientists Create World's First One-Dimensional Gas

Scientists from the University of Nottingham have successfully trapped individual krypton atoms to create the world's first-ever one-dimensional gas.



According to theory, all structures in the universe can be traced back to the CMB radiation — the so-called 'fireball of the Big Bang' that scientists observe filling the. During the first 300,000 years of cosmic history, the universe was a sea of dense plasma — that is, atomic nuclei and free electrons. Waves crashed through this plasma, with matter bunching up at the peaks and becoming more sparse in the troughs. Scientists call these waves baryonic acoustic oscillations, or BAOs.

Scientists Discover Groundbreaking Superconductor With On-Off Switches

Scientists Discover Groundbreaking Superconductor With On-Off Switches

A team of physicists has discovered a new superconducting material with unique tunability for external stimuli, promising advancements in energy-efficient computing and quantum technology.

Two-dimensional heavy fermions in the van der Waals metal CeSiI

Two-dimensional heavy fermions in the van der Waals metal CeSiI

Scientists have discovered a unique two-dimensional heavy fermion state in the compound CeSiI, which is made up of two-dimensional metallic sheets held together by weak interlayer van der Waals (vdW) interactions. This discovery opens up new possibilities for studying dimensionally confined heavy fermions and employing 2D device fabrication techniques.

New Discoveries about Dwarf Galaxies from the James Webb Space Telescope

New Discoveries about Dwarf Galaxies from the James Webb Space Telescope

New research using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has revealed exciting information about the shape and formation of dwarf galaxies in the early universe. These findings shed light on the evolution of galaxies and provide a glimpse into the complex processes that occurred billions of years ago.

Defying Quantum Dogma: The Surprising Success of Dense Solid-State Qubits

Defying Quantum Dogma: The Surprising Success of Dense Solid-State Qubits

A breakthrough study has shown that qubits, the fundamental units of quantum computers, can achieve long lifetimes even in dense environments. This contradicts the earlier belief that qubits need to be isolated in ultra-pure materials, revealing a new approach where rare-earth ion pairs form highly coherent qubits.

"Dark energy" is ripping the universe apart, but we aren't exactly sure how

"Dark energy" is ripping the universe apart, but we aren't exactly sure how

For the past quarter of a century, scientists have been puzzled by the composition of our universe. Atoms, molecules, gas, dark matter, dark energy…it’s a lot to comprehend, even for the brightest minds.