Physics Feed - Page 6

Decades Old Physics Mystery – Feynman's Sprinkler Problem Finally Solved

Decades Old Physics Mystery – Feynman's Sprinkler Problem Finally Solved

A group of mathematicians believe they have finally solved Feynman's sprinkler problem, a decades-old physics mystery. Their experiments and mathematical modeling have provided new insights into the mechanics of reverse sprinkler rotation.

Physicists Unlock Quantum Immortality With Revolutionary Time Crystal

Physicists Unlock Quantum Immortality With Revolutionary Time Crystal

Scientists have made a significant advancement in the field of quantum physics by producing a time crystal with a lifespan millions of times longer than previously achieved. This discovery validates the theoretical prediction of time crystals made by Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek in 2012, demonstrating periodic behavior in a system without periodic external influence.

Mathematicians Solve Longstanding 'Feynman's Sprinkler Problem'

Mathematicians Solve Longstanding 'Feynman's Sprinkler Problem'

Mathematicians have finally solved Feynman's Sprinkler Problem, a physics puzzle that has puzzled researchers for decades.

'Sudden Death' Discovery Defies Our Understanding of Superconductivity

'Sudden Death' Discovery Defies Our Understanding of Superconductivity

Experimental physicists have made a surprising discovery about superconductivity, finding quantum chaos in atomically thin layers of insulating material. This discovery challenges current models and could provide insights into the quest to understand superconductivity.

A Decades-Old Conundrum: Mathematicians Finally Solve Feynman's "Reverse Sprinkler" Problem

A Decades-Old Conundrum: Mathematicians Finally Solve Feynman's "Reverse Sprinkler" Problem

Mathematicians have finally cracked the reverse sprinkler problem, a conundrum that has puzzled scientists since the 1940s. The solution challenges conventional wisdom and could have implications for controlling fluid flows.

UTe2 Unleashes New Superconductivity Secrets

UTe2 Unleashes New Superconductivity Secrets

UTe2, an unconventional superconductor studied by international researchers, exhibits unique superconductivity under high magnetic fields, offering new technological potential.

German Researchers Make Unexpected Discovery of Time Reversibility in Glass

German Researchers Make Unexpected Discovery of Time Reversibility in Glass

German researchers attempting the first-ever direct measurement of material aging report the unexpected discovery of time reversibility in glass.

Did The Future Already Happen?

Did The Future Already Happen?

A summary of Kurzgesagt's latest video on the paradox of time