TCL RayNeo X2 Review: A Step Towards True AR Glasses

A review of the TCL RayNeo X2 AR glasses and its features.


TCL RayNeo X2: A Step Towards True AR Glasses

TCL's subsidiary brand RayNeo has released their latest AR glasses, the RayNeo X2, which are capable of projecting visual overlays onto the real world. While it's not a replacement for a phone, it does reduce the need to check your phone frequently.

The glasses, powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 and equipped with SLAM capabilities, have a lightweight design that allows for comfortable extended wear. However, concerns about battery life and bulkiness remain.

RayNeo is launching the X2 on Indiegogo with an early bird pricing of $699. The glasses come with 6GB RAM and 128GB storage.

Hardware and Design of the RayNeo X2

The RayNeo X2 features a plastic frame with a slightly bulkier design than typical glasses. The 16MP camera, located at the center of the frame, and the waveguides for projecting visuals are noticeable upon closer look.

Weighing 119g, the glasses are comfortable to wear and have touch-sensitive panels on the arms. The magnetic pogo pin port for charging the glasses is located on the top right arm.

The X2 also have quad speakers and hidden microphones within the frame. Overall, the design is functional but may not appeal to everyone.

Software and Performance of the RayNeo X2

The RayNeo X2 runs its own software with a straightforward UI. The glasses come with pre-installed apps like Camera, Maps, Translate, AI assistant, and Scan. Additional apps can be downloaded through the RayNeo companion app.

The X2's camera allows for hands-free photos and videos, while notifications are displayed in full on the screen. The camera quality is decent, and video recordings have good stabilization.

The X2 is equipped with the Snapdragon XR2 and multimodal LLM AI, allowing for live interpretation, scene recognition, and object identification. However, some processing delays were noted. The glasses can also take phone calls and act as Bluetooth speakers.