Graphic Design Trends for 2024

Explore the latest trends in graphic design for the upcoming year.


Carefree Irreverence with Cartoon Characters

According to Adeline Chong, creative director at Studio Chong, a trend that has been slowly rising is the use of cute and bubbly cartoon characters in graphic design. Brands are opting for a more carefree and irreverent approach, even in elevated or buttoned-up categories.

Chong believes that this trend will reach its peak in the new year, as more brands embrace the use of these playful characters.

Integration of Artificial Intelligence

John Randall, senior graphic designer, highlights the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) as a standout trend in graphic design. The use of AI has already propelled the industry forward this year, allowing designers to achieve previously unthinkable realities.

Randall predicts that AI's impact will continue to expand in the coming years, influencing various aspects of design workflows and pushing creativity to new heights.

Retro Palettes and Bespoke Typography

Designer Mike Kus expects a resurgence of retro aesthetic in 2024. Faded color palettes combined with halftone images and bespoke typography will create a nostalgic vibe in graphic design.

Kus believes that this trend has never really gone away, but it will be more prevalent in the upcoming year, evoking a sense of nostalgia and aesthetic charm.


Challenges in Art Education

Jack Renwick, president of D&AD and creative strategic director, expresses concern about the potential homogenization of creative output in the industry. He attributes this to the devaluation of arts education in UK state schools, limiting opportunities for aspiring creatives.

To address this issue, programs like D&AD Shift and the upcoming Havas Apprenticeship scheme are being implemented to create awareness and provide opportunities for individuals interested in the creative sector.