The most popular messaging app Telegram experienced a temporary outage in Russia due to security services conducting stress tests on online resources. Previously blocked social media apps, including Instagram and Facebook, suddenly became available. The cause of the incidents is still being investigated, but it is speculated that they were related to pre-election activities.
The House China committee has demanded that Elon Musk grant U.S. troops stationed in Taiwan access to SpaceX's Starshield satellite communication network designed for the military.
Debate over the effectiveness of banning smartphones and social media for young people
AT&T has announced that it will reimburse customers affected by a recent hours-long cellular and internet outage. The company plans to automatically apply a $5 credit to each account, which is the estimated average cost of a full day of service. The credits will be applied within two bill cycles and are eligible for AT&T Wireless customers only. The offer does not apply to AT&T Business, AT&T Prepaid, or Cricket accounts. AT&T acknowledged the frustration caused by the outage and apologized for the inconvenience. The company is committed to improving its services and preventing similar outages in the future.
Iran claims that Israel is responsible for recent attacks on gas pipelines.
A group of US lawmakers is calling on Elon Musk to make SpaceX's Starshield military-specific satellite communications network available to American defense forces in Taiwan.
Former President Donald J. Trump's online following has launched a relentless attack on Nikki Haley during her presidential campaign.
A YouTube content creator poses as a vulnerable grandma to bait and expose internet scammers, gaining millions of views on his videos.