Chinese Spy Balloon Used U.S. Internet Provider: Report

The Chinese spy balloon that flew across the U.S. earlier this year used a commercially available American internet provider, according to a report.


Chinese Spy Balloon Used American Internet Provider

According to a report, the Chinese spy balloon that crossed the U.S. utilized the services of a commercially available American internet provider. U.S. intelligence officials have determined that the balloon relied on the American company's network for sending and receiving messages, primarily related to navigation. The name of the company has not been disclosed by NBC, which reported the story. However, the company has denied these claims, stating that their own investigation and discussions with officials contradict this.

The Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C. responded to the report, stating that the balloon was only being used for meteorological research and inadvertently drifted into the U.S. due to weather conditions and limitations in its steering capability.