Baidu to Donate Quantum Computing Lab and Equipment to Beijing Institute

China's Baidu plans to donate a quantum computing laboratory and equipment to the government-backed Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences (BAQIS), following the footsteps of Alibaba.


Baidu's Donation to BAQIS

China's Baidu has announced its plan to donate a quantum computing laboratory and related equipment to the Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences (BAQIS). The details are currently being worked out between both parties. This move comes after Alibaba's decision in November to wind down its own quantum computing laboratory and team, donating them to Zhejiang University. Baidu's quantum computing research centre was established in 2018 and has achieved significant accomplishments in this field.

The BAQIS, which was initiated by the Beijing municipal government and received contributions from leading academic institutions, is a key player in quantum research. Baidu and BAQIS have already collaborated in the past, jointly launching the first quantum computing industry intellectual property alliance in China last March.