Wendy Williams' Former DJ Claims Talk Show Staff Didn't Know 'Extent' of Host's Illnesses

Wendy Williams' former DJ, DJ Boof, has claimed that the staff of her talk show were unaware of the full extent of her illnesses and needs more help.


Former DJ Claims Staff Were Unaware of Illnesses

Wendy Williams' former DJ, DJ Boof, recently spoke out about the talk show host's illnesses. Boof stated that the staff on the show were not aware of the true extent of Williams' health issues. He mentioned that while people may have suspected that something was wrong, they didn't fully understand the severity of her conditions. Boof expressed his concern for Williams and emphasized that she is in need of help. Boof also revealed that he believes Florida, where Williams' family resides, would be a better place for her to receive 24-hour care.

This statement from DJ Boof comes as a surprise, as four years ago, he claimed that the staff on Williams' show were too afraid to speak up about her issues. At the time, he cited a toxic environment as his reason for leaving the show. However, Boof's recent comments indicate a change in his perspective and show support for Williams.

Williams' team announced last week that she had been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia and aphasia, two neurodegenerative conditions. Her son, Kevin Hunter Jr., also revealed in a documentary that her conditions had been induced by her years-long alcohol abuse.

Williams' Former DJ Speaks Highly of Her Recovery

Despite the struggles Williams is facing, DJ Boof mentioned that the last time he saw her in person, she was doing great. He stated that she was recovering well and seemed to be in a much better place. This positive update on Williams' recovery provides hope for her fans and the public.

It should be noted that DJ Boof's recent comments contradict his previous claims of fear and concern for the talk show staff. However, people's perspectives can change over time, and it seems that in this case, Boof's outlook has shifted to a more supportive stance towards Williams.

In light of her recent diagnosis, Williams released a statement expressing her gratitude for the outpouring of support she has received. She also asked for personal space and peace to focus on her well-being and recovery.

What's Next for Wendy Williams?

With the revelation of Wendy Williams' illnesses and the recent comments from her former DJ, the focus now shifts to what lies ahead for the talk show host. It is clear that Williams requires support and care, and her family will play a crucial role in ensuring that she receives the help she needs.

Additionally, the public's response to Williams' situation will also shape her journey. The show's viewers and fans can continue to show their support and understanding as she navigates this difficult time. Williams' well-being should remain a priority, and providing her with the space and compassion she has requested will be essential for her recovery.

As more information becomes available, it will be interesting to see how Williams' journey unfolds and how her experiences can contribute to raising awareness and understanding of neurodegenerative conditions.