Blockchain Could Keep AI in Check: Executives at Davos

Executives at the World Economic Forum in Davos discuss how blockchain can be used to prevent bias in artificial intelligence training data.


Blockchain's Potential in Reducing AI Bias

Executives at the World Economic Forum in Davos believe that blockchain could be the solution to preventing bias in the data that artificial intelligence (AI) models are trained on.

The concern is that AI models, such as ChatGPT, could be trained on data that contains biases or misinformation. As a result, the answers given by the AI system could also contain those biases and false information.

By leveraging blockchain technology, AI training data can be stored on an immutable and tamper-proof public ledger. This allows developers to keep track of the data used to train the AI model.

Casper Labs' Solution

Casper Labs, a business-focused blockchain firm, has partnered with IBM to develop a system that puts AI training data on the blockchain.

The datasets are checkpointed and stored on the blockchain, providing a proof of how the AI is trained. If the AI system starts hallucinating or giving out false information, developers can roll back the AI to a previous version.

This blockchain-based solution allows for the verification and checks and balances within an AI system, making it a potential 'killer use case' for the technology.

The Future of Blockchain in AI

Blockchain has been a topic of discussion for many years, with various industries exploring its potential applications.

Sheila Warren, CEO of the Crypto Council for Innovation, believes that a blockchain-based AI training data ledger could be the breakthrough use case for the technology.

The use of blockchain in AI could provide greater transparency, accountability, and fairness, addressing the concerns of bias and misinformation in AI models.