AI Expert Warns Against Confiding in Chatbots

Prof Mike Wooldridge will address looming questions around AI in this year’s Royal Institution Christmas lectures.


Sharing Secrets with Chatbots Could Have Consequences

According to AI expert Mike Wooldridge, confiding in chatbots like ChatGPT and sharing private information could have negative consequences. Wooldridge, a professor of AI at Oxford University, warns that anything revealed to chatbots helps train future versions and users should be cautious about the information they provide.

Additionally, Wooldridge points out that chatbots may not provide a balanced response to users' comments, as their purpose is to tell users what they want to hear. It is important for users to keep in mind that chatbot technology lacks empathy and sympathy, since it has never experienced anything.

Therefore, it is advisable to assume that anything typed into a chatbot like ChatGPT will be used in future versions. Wooldridge also highlights the difficulty of retracting data once it has been fed into the system.

Exploring the Future of AI in the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures

This year's Royal Institution Christmas lectures will delve into the topic of AI. Prof Mike Wooldridge will address the big questions surrounding AI research and dispel myths about how the technology works. One of the key questions to be explored is whether machines can ever truly emulate human behavior.

Wooldridge emphasizes that AI should not be expected to possess consciousness or empathy. It simply aims to provide users with responses that align with their desires and expectations. The lectures will tackle subjects such as language translation and the workings of chatbots.

Throughout the lecture series, Wooldridge will be joined by prominent figures from the AI field, and robot demonstrations will showcase the capabilities and limitations of current technology.

The History and Impact of the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures

The Royal Institution Christmas lectures have a long-standing tradition of engaging and educating young people about science. Started by Michael Faraday in 1825, these lectures have been broadcast since 1936, making them the oldest science television series.

Distinguished speakers, including Nobel prize winners and renowned scientists like Sir David Attenborough, have delivered these lectures in the past. The upcoming series will be broadcast on BBC Four and iPlayer on 26, 27, and 28 December at 8pm.

ChatGPT, the chatbot mentioned in the article, was contacted for comment but no response was provided.