AI death calculator predicts when you’ll die — it’s ‘extremely’ accurate

A newly developed AI death calculator can now forecast when a person will die with eerily exact accuracy.


New AI Death Calculator

Researchers have created an AI death calculator that can predict when a person will die with remarkable accuracy. The algorithm, known as 'life2vec', analyzes an individual's life events, including income, profession, residence, and health history, to determine life expectancy with 78% correctness. The researchers used the technology behind ChatGPT, known as transformer models, to develop this unique algorithm.

The algorithm, life2vec, treats human lives as sequences of events, similar to the way words follow each other in sentences. By closely examining a person's past, life2vec can compute life outcomes, personality traits, and even decisions to make international moves. The researchers emphasize that their predictions are based on what is possible and not necessarily what will happen.

The researchers collected data from 6 million Danish people between 2008 and 2020 and used life2vec to predict whether they would live at least four years beyond Jan. 1, 2016. Life2vec accurately predicted death in the study population more than three-quarters of the time. Factors such as being male, having a mental health diagnosis, or being in a skilled profession were linked to earlier death, while earning a higher income or being in a leadership role were associated with a longer life.

Privacy and Ethical Considerations

The AI death calculator is not currently available to the general public or corporations. The researchers have not shared the death predictions with study participants, emphasizing the importance of privacy and ethical considerations. However, they believe that the algorithm can help identify factors that may contribute to a longer life. The researchers hope to share more details of their results in a way that protects the privacy of those involved in the research.

The algorithm's creators also emphasize that life2vec will not be used to make judgments against individuals once it becomes available to the general public. It will not be used for purposes such as making insurance policies or hiring decisions. The focus of life2vec is to understand the possibilities and limitations of predicting human life trajectories.

Future Applications

While the AI death calculator is still in the research stage, the researchers believe it has potential for other applications. By understanding the factors that contribute to a longer life, the algorithm could help individuals make lifestyle changes to improve their health and well-being. Additionally, the researchers believe that life2vec can be used to predict other aspects of human life, such as personality traits and decisions.

However, the researchers acknowledge that further studies and developments are needed before the algorithm can be used widely. They are committed to ensuring that the algorithm is used responsibly and ethically, prioritizing privacy and the well-being of individuals.