A Dark, Clever Novel Asks, What Happens When Women Ignore Their Appetites?

A review of Lottie Hazell's novel 'Piglet'


Pity the bookseller who’s got to figure out where to shelve Lottie Hazell’s debut novel, “Piglet.”

The plot of 'Piglet' revolves around a woman who learns a devastating truth about her fiancé and begins binge-eating as she contemplates whether or not to marry him. The book defies easy categorization, as it combines elements of horror, romance, and explores profound questions about the power of appetite in women's lives. While it may be dismissed as frivolous and small by some, it tackles issues that are significant and relevant in real life.

A Book that Defies Categorization

As the author Jennifer Weiner points out, 'Piglet' presents a challenge for booksellers as they struggle to determine where it should be placed on the shelves. Is it a light, forgettable romance novel or a weightier, prize-worthy work of fiction? In her opinion, 'Piglet' is a book that has something for everyone, and she would personally hand-sell it to every customer. She argues that it would fit well under the horror genre, particularly due to a memorable scene involving Piglet's family attempting to fit her into her wedding dress.

Powerful Prose and Mouthwatering Descriptions

The author, Lottie Hazell, crafts her prose with precision and intention. Her writing style is sharp and controlled, with sparing use of descriptive language. The only time she indulges in vivid descriptions is when it comes to food, creating an enticing contrast. Hazell's ability to evoke the sensory experience of cooking and eating adds richness to the narrative. The descriptions of dishes and flavors are so tantalizing that readers may find themselves hungry while reading the book.


Exploring Women's Appetites and Hunger

In the context of the current cultural focus on weight-loss drugs and the notion of suppressing appetites, 'Piglet' takes on added significance. The book raises thought-provoking questions about what happens when women ignore their appetites or no longer desire 'more, more, more.' Hazell delves into the consequences of denying one's hunger and the societal pressures placed on women to control and push down their natural desires. Ultimately, the central theme of the book revolves around the choice between embracing a rich, fulfilling life or succumbing to societal expectations and being consumed by them.